Spirit of Home and Office....delivered!

from the
Church of the Smaller House

Monday, March 22, 2010

Density and Incentive Planning, Part One

It wasn’t that long ago that we talked frequently about the Population Explosion. We referred to overcrowding, mega cities and 2.5 children per couple as being the wave of the future. We lamented the loss of our beloved countryside. I remember a surrealistic poster depicting a world literally covered with humans. There was a city reaching to the sky in the background and “humanoids?” were spawling on a rocky shore and even spilling into the ocean in the foreground. The population explosion was the crisis we were facing as a species. The future image to fear, was that of us crawling over each as we struggle for survival.

Recently the discussion has shifted to sustainability. Are we no longer concerned about the population explosion, or are we beginning to be more focused on how we are responding to it? The attention we put to sustainability is positive energy. Looking for ways to manage our behavior so that we have a future, is a much more powerful conversation than simply naming a crisis.

In recent posts I have described how municipalities implement Zoning Regulations to organize growth in a manner consistent with the Town Plan. Town Plans have been developed by elected officials and hired professionals to improve the quality of life for the residents and businesses within a municipality. Two of the key elements to well managed growth, our response to the population explosion as we know it, are organization and efficiency.

Living in towns and developing communities has long been a natural response to our needs and desires as human beings to be more comfortable in our process of survival. We have all heard and should well know by now, how important being more efficient is, in order to achieve sustainability. We expect our organization people, our select boards and Town Managers to guide this process, or we (should) choose to live outside of that support system.

To accomplish efficiency in the process of Town Management, it is logical for planning to organize how infrastructure and maintenance are developed. Municipal services, such as roadway maintenance, waste water disposal, electricity, gas and potable water distribution are highly desirable because they are significantly more efficient when provided to multiple users than on an individual basis. They are also very intensive. (That can be read, expensive.) To maximize the “bang for the buck” of municipal services and infrastructure, they need to be well planned and constructed. Furthermore and most importantly they need to be concentrated, in order to maximize the number of users per unit of infrastructure. What these comments boil down to is that it is for the common good, that towns intensify their village centers.

What does Town Planning have to do with density? Density is the term we use to describe the intensity of land use. It commonly refers to the quantity of human occupation in a given area. Manhattan’s urban environment has a very high density. Montana is predominantly a low density rural environment. In a Village District such as that in Jericho, density is described or prescribed in terms of housing units per acre. As posted previously, the density (prescription) for that area, or zone, has recently been increased four fold, from a one acre minimum lot size required for a single family home or unit, to a quarter acre minimum lot size. Not too long before that, accessory apartments became permissible. These changes essentially suggest that where conditions permit, the density has increased by a factor of eight. This is an extremely important step toward sustainability, a very positive response to the population explosion.

I can hear you screaming from here at my laptop. The majority of people who live in these quaint little villages have chosen them for their scale and charm, and are generally prone to quaking in their boots when progress threatens to consume the image they invested in, oh not so many years ago. Well guess what, we’ve got a long way to go before we’re crawling over each other in our daily routines as we struggle to survive, but if we don’t actively pursue creative, smart responses to the threat of the “population explosion”, our species won’t last long enough to see it. As reluctant as one may be to think about increased density in our neighborhoods, when one honestly understands what smart growth means in terms of efficiency for sustainability, how can one resist and be a part of the solution at the same time?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Link to Meeting Minutes

This is where one can find a slide show of Meeting Minutes. Clicking on the image you wish to read, links you to Picasa Web Albums where you may then zoom in to read the minutes.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Step 4, Check in with Zoning Administrator

Visiting the Municipal Offices where your potential project is located can give you valuable information about the context of your project without spending any money.

Depending on one’s familiarity with the development process, a frank discussion with the local Zoning Administrator should take place either sooner or later. If a building project is just coming into consideration, and you have little to no experience, a chat with the ZA is an easy way to get oriented to your options before investing: highly recommended.

My experience as a light builder and small scale developer has provided a sense of order with regard to the flow of process. I know that in all cases, where formal ordinances exist, becoming familiar with the Town Plan and Zoning regulations is the first order of business. There can be a big difference between trying to do something the town has planned for and is advocating, versus attempting to work in contrast to the plan. If one is in the early stages and has yet to purchase property, it is even more important to have a clear understanding of the current zoning as well as the Town Plan, because zoning on the verge of changing, which it will do over time, can either be a boon or a bust to your investment.

As stated in previous posts, the least expensive next step is to establish how waste water will be managed. If there is no municipal sewer system, determining soil type and depth is prudent. This is important because the cost of waste water management is significant. The type and configuration of soil on the site will determine the site’s capacity. For each bedroom in a new project in Vermont, one must have a certified design for disposing of 350 gals of water per day. Poor soils may require a technically advanced system which will have more fiscal impact than a simple one. Also be aware that site topography will determine whether or not a sewage pump station is required in order to get the waste from the exit at the house to the leach field. Soil quality determines the size of leach area as well as whether or not better soil material needs to be imported. If a municipal system exists, great, but confirm you will be permitted to access it and to what capacity.

In many cases there will be a reasonably up to date survey in the Municipality’s Clerk’s Land Records. If not, you will need to obtain one before you can verify the lot size. We took care of soil capacity and survey steps prior to visiting the Zoning Administrator because we were already familiar with local conditions and development requirements. Knowing the soil capacity and actual plot size permitted us to have a more specific conversation. We are also aware that municipal water and gas services are in place.

If you are unfamiliar with the process and local conditions, visit the Zoning Administrator and Clerk’s Office first. The ZA can show you what zone your property is in and more importantly what you are permitted to build. The clerk will tell what they believe the size to be, based on existing records, or at least show you how to locate it in the tax maps. They’ll be able to identify what municipal services are available, such as water, electricity, sewer and gas. If sewer is not available they will likely be able to guide you to soil type maps. There may even be information about how deep neighbor’s water wells are, or at least who might have drilled them.

Again, the availability or absence of services at the project location are crucial to understand and account for when sizing up a potential project. Services already available at the site limit the need to speculate on what they will cost you to provide, but they increase the value and the cost of the parcel.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Survey Confirmed One Acre Plus!

Great news! Why is a confirmed acre great news? The Town Plan and Zoning Regulations are what property owners are subject to, with regard to how their property is used. The size of the lot is directly related to its allowable use. The Eaton's lot was recently re-zoned in order to promote "smart growth" patterns. Prior to this change in regulations they were permitted by law, to have a single family dwelling and an accessory apartment, because they were in a “Zone” that prescribed a one acre minimum for a single family residence. Previous changes had allowed for the addition of an accessory apartment and it wasn’t long ago that the occupant of that apartment had to be a family member or it would have been a commercial use, which was not allowed.

As our awareness of appropriate land use and how consumption affects our environment evolves, we are gradually becoming more prone to planning a more sustainable future. Before zoning was implemented it was legally possible for your neighbor to erect a factory or manifest a dumping area adjacent to the place you had chosen, and undoubtedly invested in. The freedom for your neighbor to do as they wish with their own parcel could have a tremendous effect on your property value. So, at the expense of having the freedom to do whatever we choose with our property, our chosen Select board members and hired officials have worked together to create, implement and enforce laws which protect us from our neighbors’ whims.

When one purchases or occupies a property, it is critical that he or she understand what rights and limitations go along with that. By choosing to live in a municipality with zoning, one fore goes certain freedoms in exchange for certain protections. As Zoning evolves, as it should with a sustainability movement, it may also encourage some property owners to substantially increase the density of their property. Interestingly enough it allows the opportunity for development, there by increasing its value. Realistically though, that, in and of itself is not necessarily a good thing. Development for monetary gain has a woefully regrettable history.

As population increases, and smarter land use becomes more of a priority, the need to anticipate and prepare accelerates. Municipalities have long term responsibilities to provide infrastructure for controlled growth. This includes limiting sprawl and encouraging consolidation so that services and maintenance can be more efficient. For the Eatons, and all their neighbors within this modified zone, what was previously a single building lot with a modest residence and carriage house is now a potentially valuable parcel, within what the town’s view of appropriate growth, is deemed “Village Center”.

The recent zoning modifications reduced the size of a single family lot, from a one acre minimum to a one quarter acre minimum. For the Eatons, and many like them, (who have confirmed full one acre lots) this essentially means that last year they owned a single lot, most likely with a house and the potential for an apartment. Simply by changing the zoning, they now own enough property for three additional lots. It must be understood that there are several other factors to consider and actions that need to be taken before that potential turns into value, but in consideration of the current state of affairs it will behoove many to do so.

Resistance to change can, and should be anticipated. Many, if not most of the people living in the neighborhoods they have chosen, did so because it felt right to them. More than likely they were attracted to the intensity of land use in the neighborhood. A sense of belonging and adjacency to others with enough room to enjoy the space around one’s enclave is part of the American Dream. It is easy to imagine that for many, “Big Brother’s” new zoning has robbed them of the protections they invested in when they chose these properties for themselves. Pause and wonder for a moment though, step back in time when these rural acres were once active farms. How did our ancestors feel when they had to relinquish sacred land to “progress”? If it weren’t for that shift only decades ago, the current residents would not have the opportunity to “borrow” the space they occupy today. As we move forward in the time space continuum, it is our responsibility to honor our sacred land and be “smart” and proud of what our borrowing leaves behind.

Personally, as blogging visionary for the Eaton’s little project, I struggle with the challenges of “doing the right thing”. I am blessed with the opportunity and burdened with the responsibility. All I can do is to continue to be grateful, and in so doing, be strong enough to ask for your sharing. I want to know how other people feel. I want to know what their experience is. I want to hear about their anger, their frustration, their confusion about their government’s agenda. I want to be someone who doesn’t need to defend my actions, mindful of the perceived conflicts my decisions cause, but comforted knowing I am doing “the right thing”. Help me if you will.